This week’s Healthy is Happy Newsletter is written by HCo. Skin Care Specialist, Jillian Ocasio.

Summer is in full swing. Yeah! That’s great news for you and your family, but it can be bad news for your skin if you’re not careful. Below, I’ve listed four important tips to keep your skin healthy (and happy) in the hot summer sun. 

Apply Sunscreen Frequently

The sun is the strongest between 11 am and 4 pm. But, regardless of the time of day, be liberal about applying sunscreen, especially after swimming or sweating. Even with a high number SPF, be sure to wear a hat, stay covered under an umbrella, and avoid long periods of direct sunlight.


Self-tanner helps achieve that sun-kissed look and provides a layer of protection from the sun. Sunscreen should be applied on top of the self-tanner. Self-tanner doesn’t take the place of SPF. 

Protective Clothing

Nowadays, SPF clothing is everywhere. This specialty clothing absorbs or blocks harmful UV radiation and is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from sun damage and skin cancer. Unlike sunscreen, you don’t even need to re-apply! 

Avoid Sun Exposure During Peak Hours

The easiest way to keep your skin safe this summer is to stay out of the sun between 10 AM – 4 PM. The sun’s UV rays are the strongest during this time and will cause the most damage. 

Enjoy your summer and remember always to practice sun safety!

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