For lots of us, our car is a second home. We listen to news, music or podcasts as we drive. We talk (hands-free, of course) on the phone or to passengers. In 2023, the average American commute is just under 28 minutes, a time that’s been steadily increasing, up 27% since 1980.

So it’s more important than ever that our cars are both safe and comfortable—it’s that “small space” that takes us to all the great places we want to be! And if you live in a place where winter driving conditions make that daily drive more perilous, it’s especially important to make you and your car ready.

How do you do better on the road? Some quick hacks from experts at Popular Mechanics include:

  • Don’t fight your traction control systems. They may feel counter-intuitive as you feel them stuttering your tires’ traction or nudging the wheel, but follow their guidance in addition to being aware of conditions around you.
  • Be prepared. Pack winter clothes, a blanket, and emergency snacks or bottled water in your trunk. Even if you’re SURE you only drive to the local grocery and back, you may be surprised by a winter flare-up that closes a road or causes a backup. On more than one occasion, this writer has been saved by a well-placed pack of cookies or an extra coat in the trunk. It’s a must for every winter driver!
  • Be fueled and ready. If you love the brinksmanship of driving your vehicle until that “E” is glowing at you, winter is a time to change that habit. Whenever your tank gets to half full, make a practice to top it off. Winter driving conditions are slow driving conditions. And if you’re stuck in traffic, running out of gas could signal disaster (why the previous tip is so important!). Not only that, you’ll have additional weight in your vehicle for added stability. You can’t always count on the weather cooperating or a station nearby when you hit empty…so don’t hit empty in the winter!

And finally, bring a little spring into your car! This is our favorite winter driving hack. If you spend a lot of time in your car, make it a haven from slavin’ with scent! We love the CarMoji from MojiLife, which clips easily to your car’s air vents for higher airflow or onto your sunshade for less airflow. It’s affordable, portable, and available in black, grey or white to perfectly complement your car’s interior vibe.

And the scents! Don’t even get us started! Any of the dozens of MojiLife Fragrance Pods will snap easily into the CarMoji device and last up to 100 hours (often longer, given the small space and light airflow of a car). Our favorite fragrances for your ride are the “On the Road” pods, specially designed for use in cars.

What makes MojiLife On the Road pods different?

  • They’re formulated to last “longer, not stronger,” with a medium-level fragrance that isn’t initially overpowering for the small space of a car and also resists fragrance fade.
  • They feature “Odorzen,” our unique additive that actually CANCELS, not covers odors that tend to haunt your cars. Everything from last night’s hamburger and fries drive-thru dinner to that gym back in the back to pet odors gets lifted away by Odorzen, a unique element that neutralizes odors so that all you smell is a gorgeous, fresh scent.

On the Road Fragrance Pods come in the classic air fragrances you’ve loved since always–but with a decidedly updated take on car freshening: Pina Colada, Berry Blast, Midnight Ice, Luxe Leather and Very Vanilla


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