This article was written by Jillian Ocasio, HCo. Skincare Specialist.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a vital protein that the body needs to keep the skin looking youthful. As we age, the body produces less collagen, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Exposure to the sun (UV rays) and lifestyle can contribute to premature collagen loss. The tips below can help increase collagen production. 

Collagen powder

I saw a significant transformation in my skin when incorporating collagen into my diet. The new Happy Co. Happy Collagen™ is not only more effective but less expensive. Add one to two scoops of powder into water, coffee, or your drink of choice. Repeat every day, and I guarantee you’ll see an improvement in your skin, hair, and nails!

Skincare products that promote collagen production: 

Growth factors and retinol are effective ingredients because they promote cellular growth and collagen production. I encourage everyone to start a skincare regimen in their twenties for preventative measures and maintenance. The HCo. Ultimate Skincare Set contains growth factors that help to re-build lost collagen. 

Did you know?
Topical skincare products that contain collagen are not effective, because the collagen molecule is too big to absorb into the skin. 

Food with collagen-boosting properties: 

What you eat can affect the appearance of your skin for better or worse! Eat foods that have collagen-boosting properties such as:

  • Bone broth 
  • Lean meat 
  • Fish 
  • Egg whites 
  • Citrus foods such as oranges and grapefruit
  • Nuts: high in fats 
  • Leafy greens 
  • Oysters 

Sun protection

While the sun is healthy in doses, too much can be damaging and cause premature collagen production. 


My first job as an esthetician was at a spa. I learned a significant fact; massage can increase collagen production. Whether you do it yourself or have a facial at a spa, don’t skip massage if it is offered. It’s essential to help re-build muscle memory and to help stimulate collagen. 

Incorporating these simple tips into your regimen will help to keep your skin looking youthful and glowing! 

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