Creatine Monohydrate is widely used as a dietary supplement by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and performance during high-intensity exercise. Wondering if creatine could help you? Here we take a closer look at creatine monohydrate, including its safety and benefits. 

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring nitrogenous organic acid that is produced in the liver and kidneys and is also found in small amounts in certain foods, such as meat and fish. It is an important component of the energy system in muscle cells, where it helps to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is commonly referred to as the “energy currency” of the body. With higher levels of ATP, the body can experience enhanced exercise performance.

Although creatine is naturally produced in the body, many rely on a create monohydrate supplement, which can aid in muscle recovery and overall athletic performance.

Is Creatine Monohydrate Safe? 

As the most researched and clinically effective type of creatine used in nutritional supplements, Creatine Monohydrate is said to safely improve muscle uptake and increase one’s ability to perform high-intensity exercise.

There is no scientific evidence of it having detrimental effects on healthy individuals. For individuals with preexisting conditions, such as kidney problems, a creatine supplement may not be safe and a medical professional should be consulted prior to use. 

“Creatine Monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.” – National Library of Medicine

Furthermore, studies have indicated that taking creatine monohydrate supplements on a daily basis, even for several years, is considered safe. And, according to Healthline, studies have revealed that athletes who consumed daily creatine supplements for extended periods experienced beneficial health outcomes.

Benefits of Creatine

Creatine Monohydrate is a great supplement for athletes who want to improve their ability to do high-intensity exercise and build muscle during training. 

Just how great is it? According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.

Additionally, benefits of Creatine may also include injury prevention, cognition and brain health, and more. 

Is Creatine Right for You?

Looking to engage in short-term, high-intensity activities such as sprinting, weightlifting, or interval training? You may want to consider taking a product, like PerX Berry Blast, as a pre-workout supplement. 

Featuring Creatine Monohydrate, our PerX Berry Blast is a delicious way to keep the perks flowing! It’s a pre-workout staple that offers exponential energy, weight loss, focus, and that dose of “Happy” we’re known for. To use before your workout, just mix one scoop with 12 ounces of water and enjoy.

This blog post is for educational and informative purposes only. Always consult with your professional healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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